Friday, April 17, 2009


Whew.. things are finally starting to pick up in the story. First the scrabble games and the awkward situation with the Commander and now the new friend that she can talk to in Ofglen. It is very scary, however, to think that either the Commander or Ofglen may be acting. The Commander seems genuine but it's possible that Ofglen is a spy. Not very likely though. I doubt there are even that many spies in the society. The government uses that as a good ploy, to keep everyone antisocial on to better contain and control people. I know I would be very paranoid if you never knew if anyone you met was a spy looking for one wrong move. I guess it's better just to go for it though rather than continuing to live the way she is living. I knew the Commander was going to start have feelings for her. It was bound to happen.

1 comment:

  1. hi Safa, my wonderful critical friend. so i agree with you that the story is finally picking up and that it's possible that Ofglen and the Commander are both acting. But i really do think both of them are genuine in their answers because well, for the Commander, he's basically giving up his control, his power in order to see Ofred (by this i mean that he exposes himself to her as much as she is exposing to him, so it puts him in jeopardy to). And as for Ofglen, she mentions something about a password, Mayday, that "they" use so i think that suggests that there's a lot more of them that are gathering perhaps in trying to rebel or run away.
    But i disagree with you when it comes to the spies. I definitely think there are that many spies in their society becuase i mean if you think about it, there could be just as many in ours, but we just don't know about them. And she mentions that cameras are everything, which is a little creepy and suggests that they are watching, all the time.
    Anyways, hope you enjoyed this comment Safa. See you tomorrow =)
    - Jessi Miao
